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Older websites
*** All of my old websites, with no changed code. ***
*** TIP: Hover over a link to see the backstory. ***
*** LINKS ***
Noxyntious' Home v3
Site created "with the help" (he did basically all of it) of my good friend and skilled coder, utf-16. ~2018
Noxy's site v2.5
Placeholder, after the shishdedi wipe, aka where I hosted my website. Unfortunately, most of this website was lost. ~2018
Noxy's site v2
A site made quickly, just before this one, with a template from HTML5UP. ~2018
Sea's site v1
My first website. Originally made for xd.net. ~2017
*** Websites that never saw the light of day ***
Noxy's site v4 (proposed)
One day I had an idea to create a website in ImGui. Worst idea ever. This "website" loaded slowly, and barely worked on phones. I seriously have no idea why I even did this. Note to anyone else who is reading this. DON'T do this.